Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teachers' evaluation

According to the result of teachers’ evaluation, I think we should improve ourselves to improve Chilean education. It is a circle and we can start changing the situation.

Mr. Waissbluth, leader of the movement “Educación 2020”, said the conditions and the salary teachers earn is mediocre, that is why there are so many unmotivated teachers, it is understandable, but not acceptable, he said, and he is right, if a teacher do not want to be evaluate, it is because he or she knows that is not a good teacher.

In this way, teachers who are not updated can improve their strategies; there are so many courses and scholarships to apply for. It is not reason to leave this situation keep the same way we are now. It is time to work!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teachers' evaluation

According to the result of teachers’ evaluation, I think we should improve ourselves to improve Chilean education. It is a circle and we can start changing the situation.

Mr. Waissbluth, leader of the movement “Educación 2020”, said the conditions and the salary teachers earn is mediocre, that is why there are so many unmotivated teachers, it is understandable, but not acceptable, he said, and he is right, if a teacher do not want to be evaluate, it is because he or she knows that is not a good teacher.

In this way, teachers who are not updated can improve their strategies; there are so many courses and scholarships to apply for. It is not reason to leave this situation keep the same way we are now. It is time to work!

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