Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cultural Diversity

Mauricio’s presentation was about cultural diversity. His presentation was very good; he started his micro-lesson asked us to create a definition of diversity and to read it to everybody. Then he read an official definition of it and some important aspects related with diversity such as; age, race, gender, ethnicity.
I liked his presentation because he showed us the importance of this topic in the classroom, the impact when you create a respectful climate and how students could spread the model you give them. His presentation was good in terms of visual aids, good pictures and videos, but he had too much information in some slides, and one video was too fast to read what it said, I could not read in some cases.
At the end, he said a very good piece of advice, that enclose the complete meaning of his topic; “putting in someone else shoes”, which was a very good close to his micro-lesson.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cultural Diversity

Mauricio’s presentation was about cultural diversity. His presentation was very good; he started his micro-lesson asked us to create a definition of diversity and to read it to everybody. Then he read an official definition of it and some important aspects related with diversity such as; age, race, gender, ethnicity.
I liked his presentation because he showed us the importance of this topic in the classroom, the impact when you create a respectful climate and how students could spread the model you give them. His presentation was good in terms of visual aids, good pictures and videos, but he had too much information in some slides, and one video was too fast to read what it said, I could not read in some cases.
At the end, he said a very good piece of advice, that enclose the complete meaning of his topic; “putting in someone else shoes”, which was a very good close to his micro-lesson.

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