Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stress in Students

Yhincy’s presentation was about the stress in students. Before start with some definitions, she started her presentation with some images that were glued on the walls, and we had to guess what those pictures meant. Then she gave some definitions and the causes and effects of stress.

In my opinion, she did a good presentation, she invited us to participate and the topic was interesting and useful as teachers. She had good tone of voice, and she moved around the classroom asking for attention, using eye contact too.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stress in Students

Yhincy’s presentation was about the stress in students. Before start with some definitions, she started her presentation with some images that were glued on the walls, and we had to guess what those pictures meant. Then she gave some definitions and the causes and effects of stress.

In my opinion, she did a good presentation, she invited us to participate and the topic was interesting and useful as teachers. She had good tone of voice, and she moved around the classroom asking for attention, using eye contact too.

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