Monday, November 16, 2009


Daisy’ micro-lesson was about how to get relaxed and some tips about that. Her micro-lesson was more interesting than the first one. She also did a presentation not a micro-lesson, maybe if she had done a better activity than only ask us about the topic, her micro-lesson would have been better.

I think this presentation was quite good, and is an interesting topic to learn about. As a suggestion, she has to improve her tone of voice, is it too low and as a teacher, you have to be heard by all your students.

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Monday, November 16, 2009


Daisy’ micro-lesson was about how to get relaxed and some tips about that. Her micro-lesson was more interesting than the first one. She also did a presentation not a micro-lesson, maybe if she had done a better activity than only ask us about the topic, her micro-lesson would have been better.

I think this presentation was quite good, and is an interesting topic to learn about. As a suggestion, she has to improve her tone of voice, is it too low and as a teacher, you have to be heard by all your students.

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