Monday, November 16, 2009

Studying Abroad

Camilo’s micro-lesson was about studying abroad. He had a very good tone of voice and use of space. He did a presentation not a micro-lesson, because he showed us some tests we have to take if we want to study abroad such as TOEFL. He focused his presentation on this test and he took more time than the rest.

This topic was very interesting, I would like to travel abroad and improve myself, so it called my attention a lot. On the other hand, I would prefer that Camilo would have talked more about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad than the tests I have to take.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Studying Abroad

Camilo’s micro-lesson was about studying abroad. He had a very good tone of voice and use of space. He did a presentation not a micro-lesson, because he showed us some tests we have to take if we want to study abroad such as TOEFL. He focused his presentation on this test and he took more time than the rest.

This topic was very interesting, I would like to travel abroad and improve myself, so it called my attention a lot. On the other hand, I would prefer that Camilo would have talked more about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad than the tests I have to take.

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