Monday, November 16, 2009

English-only Movement

Paula’s presentation was about English-only Movement. Her presentation was quite good; she had a good tone of voice and good pronunciation too. There were some spelling mistakes in the slides, that should not be there, she should be more careful with that.She could called classmates attention because she managed the use of space and she glued on the walls pictures with “Spanish is not allowed” on it and she gave us a small piece of paper with a similar picture. That was really good!

It was an interesting topic, I did not know about this movement at all, and I could realize the discrimination that exists in USA. They believe that English is the most important language of all and any other should exist. Maybe it is a way to protect they culture, but at the same time they are discriminating other cultures.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

English-only Movement

Paula’s presentation was about English-only Movement. Her presentation was quite good; she had a good tone of voice and good pronunciation too. There were some spelling mistakes in the slides, that should not be there, she should be more careful with that.She could called classmates attention because she managed the use of space and she glued on the walls pictures with “Spanish is not allowed” on it and she gave us a small piece of paper with a similar picture. That was really good!

It was an interesting topic, I did not know about this movement at all, and I could realize the discrimination that exists in USA. They believe that English is the most important language of all and any other should exist. Maybe it is a way to protect they culture, but at the same time they are discriminating other cultures.

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