Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Language: English
Country: Australia
Epoch and social background: 1915 First War World.
Main Characters:

- Archy Hamilton (Mark Lee)

- Frank Dunne (Mel Gibson)

- Uncle Jack (Bill Kerr)

- Les McCann (Harold Hopkins)

- Billy (Robert Grubb)

- Barney (Tim McKenzie)

- Snowy (David Argue)

- Major Barton (Bill Hunter)

Powerful ideas and values:

- Patriotism

- Friendship

- Perseverance

- Loyalty

- Competition

This movie it was a little bit boring at the beginning, when Archie met Frank the movie starts to be more interesting.

This movie showed the importance of friendship, and the loyalty to his country in the case of Archie. He was perseverant during the whole movie, and Frank was not stay behind, for that reason he decided to follow Archie and to become a soldier to fight in Gallipoli against Turkish who were better armed than them.

At the end, I felt a little bit disappointment because Frank could not arrive to give the message to the Major Barton and for that reason Archie die. I do not think it was a really good ending to put an image of Archie when he is shot. I felt it was something missing. I mean, what happened with Frank? The British soldiers, they really arrived to support the trenches?

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Language: English
Country: Australia
Epoch and social background: 1915 First War World.
Main Characters:

- Archy Hamilton (Mark Lee)

- Frank Dunne (Mel Gibson)

- Uncle Jack (Bill Kerr)

- Les McCann (Harold Hopkins)

- Billy (Robert Grubb)

- Barney (Tim McKenzie)

- Snowy (David Argue)

- Major Barton (Bill Hunter)

Powerful ideas and values:

- Patriotism

- Friendship

- Perseverance

- Loyalty

- Competition

This movie it was a little bit boring at the beginning, when Archie met Frank the movie starts to be more interesting.

This movie showed the importance of friendship, and the loyalty to his country in the case of Archie. He was perseverant during the whole movie, and Frank was not stay behind, for that reason he decided to follow Archie and to become a soldier to fight in Gallipoli against Turkish who were better armed than them.

At the end, I felt a little bit disappointment because Frank could not arrive to give the message to the Major Barton and for that reason Archie die. I do not think it was a really good ending to put an image of Archie when he is shot. I felt it was something missing. I mean, what happened with Frank? The British soldiers, they really arrived to support the trenches?

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