Monday, November 16, 2009

Respect inside the classroom

The first micro-lesson was about the respect inside the classroom. I started with a question to contextualize the topic, then I made a comparison between before and now and the differences between them, then I showed some videos with some situations where teachers were victims of disrespect from their students to introduce the activity, to finish with some tips to manage those situations.

I think I did a good micro-lesson, my classmates were happy with my performance and the videos showed a reality where we, as teachers, could be victims in any time.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Respect inside the classroom

The first micro-lesson was about the respect inside the classroom. I started with a question to contextualize the topic, then I made a comparison between before and now and the differences between them, then I showed some videos with some situations where teachers were victims of disrespect from their students to introduce the activity, to finish with some tips to manage those situations.

I think I did a good micro-lesson, my classmates were happy with my performance and the videos showed a reality where we, as teachers, could be victims in any time.

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