Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Jorge’s presentation was about Slangs. He made a good presentation; he presented us very good examples and a good definition of them. This was a micro-lesson, because he presented the topic and then he asked us to participate in his lesson.
He had a good tone of voice, but he did not use the space and he did not do eye contact, he must improve that. Good pronunciation and fluency. I liked his micro-lesson, it was an interesting topic and it was good to learn more about language.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Jorge’s presentation was about Slangs. He made a good presentation; he presented us very good examples and a good definition of them. This was a micro-lesson, because he presented the topic and then he asked us to participate in his lesson.
He had a good tone of voice, but he did not use the space and he did not do eye contact, he must improve that. Good pronunciation and fluency. I liked his micro-lesson, it was an interesting topic and it was good to learn more about language.

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